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Sabtu, 13 Juni 2015

Wanita Terbahagia

Jujur ku mengakui
Pantas ku beri
Seribu pujian buat kamu

Jauh di dalam hati
Selalu ku rasa
Bersyukur aku mengenangmu
Kerna cinta dari kamu
Jadikan aku
Wanita terbahagia di dunia

Bersama kamu
Ku jadi tahu
Artinya waktu
lebih berharga dari harta di dunia

Bersama kamu
Ku rasa jauh
Lebih mengerti
Arti cinta tanpa harus mengucapkan cinta

Kamu ku yakin tahu
Ku yakin sama
Tujuanmu dengan tujuanku

Jauh di dalam hati
Selalu ku rasa
Bersyukur aku mengenangmu
Kerna cinta dari kamu
Jadikan aku
Wanita terbahagia di dunia

Bersama kamu
Ku jadi tahu
Artinya waktu
Lebih berharga dari harta di dunia

Bersama kamu
Ku rasa jauh
Lebih mengerti
Arti cinta tanpa harus mengucapkan cinta

Bersama kamu
Ku jadi tahu
Artinya waktu
Lebih berharga dari harta di dunia

Bersama kamu
Ku rasa jauh
Lebih mengerti
Arti cinta tanpa harus mengucapkan cinta

Bersama kamu
Ku rasa jauh
Lebih mengerti
Arti cinta tanpa harus mengucapkan cinta

Cinta Sejati (OST Habibie Ainun)

Manakala hati menggeliat mengusik renungan
Mengulang kenangan saat cinta menemui cinta
Suara sang malam dan siang seakan berlagu
Dapat aku dengar rindumu memanggil namaku

Saat aku tak lagi di sisimu
Ku tunggu kau di keabadian

Aku tak pernah pergi, selalu ada di hatimu
Kau tak pernah jauh, selalu ada di dalam hatiku
Sukmaku berteriak, menegaskan ku cinta padamu
Terima kasih pada Maha Cinta menyatukan kita

Saat aku tak lagi di sisimu
Ku tunggu kau di keabadian

Cinta kita melukiskan sejarah
Menggelarkan cerita penuh suka cita

Sehingga siapa pun insan Tuhan
Pasti tahu cinta kita sejati

Saat aku tak lagi di sisimu
Ku tunggu kau di keabadian

Cinta kita melukiskan sejarah
Menggelarkan cerita penuh suka cita
Sehingga siapa pun insan Tuhan
Pasti tahu cinta kita sejati

Lembah yang berwarna
Membentuk melekuk memeluk kita
Dua jiwa yang melebur jadi satu
Dalam kesunyian cinta

Cinta kita melukiskan sejarah
Menggelarkan cerita penuh suka cita
Sehingga siapa pun insan Tuhan
Pasti tahu cinta kita sejati

Wajahmu Ingatkan Aku

Wajahmu ingatkan aku
Dengan dia yang telah tiada
Tak bermaksud kusamakan
Kau dengan dia

Aku tak tahu mengapa tuhan
Mempertemukan aku denganmu
Aku cinta dia
Tapi takdir memisahkan

Kau datang di waktu yang tepat
Kau mengisi sakit jiwaku
Walau mungkin kau pun terluka
Wajahmu ingatkanku

Aku sampai tak bisa bedakan
Rasa bahagia dan rasa sedih
Sejak aku anggap dia
Takkan tergantikan

Back to Reff

Salahkah aku yang tak berdaya
Wajahmu ingatkanku
Dengan dia

Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Nama lengkap: Álvaro Borja Morata Martín
Tanggal lahir: 23 Oktober, 1992 (umur 20)
Tempat lahir: Madrid , Spanyol
Kebangsaan: Spanyol
Posisi: Striker
Klub: Real Madrid 

Profil lengkap Alvaro Morata - Alvaro Borja Morata Martin lahir pada 23 Oktober 1992 di Madrid, Spanyol. Dia adalah pemain sepakbola profesional yang menghuni klub Real Madrid. Dia juga merupakan salah satu punggawa tim nasional Spanyol U19.

Karir Junior:

2005-2007: Atlético Madrid
2007-2008: Getafe
2008-2010: Real Madrid

Karir Senior:

2010-2011: Real Madrid B, Penampilan (76), Gol (37)
2011 -????:  Real Madrid, Penampilan (10), Gol(2)

Karir Internasional:

2009-2012: Spanyol U17, Penampilan (6 ), Gol (2)
2010: Spanyol U18, Penampilan (2), Gol (3)
2010-2012: Spanyol U19, Penampilan (13), Gol (11)

Nama lengkap: Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite
Tanggal lahir: 22 April 1982
Tempat lahir: Gama, Brasil
Tinggi: 186 cm
Kebangsaan: Brasil
Posisi bermain: Gelandang
Klub: Real Madrid

Profil Lengkap Ricardo Kaka - Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite atau biasa disapa Ricardo Kaka lahir pada 22 April 1982 di Gama, Brasil. Dia merupakan pemain sepakbola profesional yang menghuni klub Real Madrid.

Kaka lahir dari sepasang suami istri bernama Bosco Izecson Pereira Leite dan Simone Cristina dos Santos Leite. Kaka juga memiliki adik bernama Rodrigo, atau biasa dikenal Digao yang juga merupakan pemain sepakbola.

Kaka juga memiliki istri bernama Caroline Celico. Keduanya menikah pada 23 Desember 2005 di salah satu gereja di Sao Paulo, Brasil.

Karier junior:

1994–2000: São Paulo

Karier senior:

2001–2003: São Paulo, Penampilan  (59), Gol (23)
2003–2009: AC Milan, Penampilan (193), Gol (70)
2009–????:  Real Madrid, Penampilan (32), Gol (10)

Karir Internasional:

2002–????: Brasil, Penampilan (82), Gol (27)

Prestasi individu:

Bola de Ouro (Golden Ball; Pemain Terbaik Liga Brazil), 2002
UEFA Club Football Awards 2004-05, Pemain Tengah Terbaik
Pencetak gol terbanyak Liga Champions 2006-07 (10 gol)
Pemain Terbaik Dunia FIFA 2006-07
Ballon d'Or (2007)
Pemain terbaik pada Piala Konfederasi FIFA 2009

Piala Super Eropa: 2003
Serie A: 2004
Piala Super Italia: 2004
Piala/Liga Champions: 2006-07
Piala Dunia Antarklub: 2007
Copa del Rey: 2010
La Liga: 2011

Piala Dunia: 2002
Piala Konfederasi: 2005, 2009
Terlahir Dengan nama lengkap Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite (lahir 22 April 1982 di Brasília), lebih dikenal dengan nama Kaká, adalah seorang pemain bolasepak Brasil yang kini menyertai Kelab Real Madrid. Kaká adalah salah satu pemain sepakbola berbakat yang dimiliki Brasil, Negara yang satu ini memang gudangnya pemain berbakat dari jaman dahulu sampai sekarang. Anak dari pasangan Simone Cristina dos Santos Leite dan Bosco Izecson Pereira Leite. Kaka mempunyai istri yang bernama Caroline Celico yang dinikahinya pada tanggal 23 Desember 2005.

Kaká mempunyai adik laki-laki, Rodrigo, yang dikenal sebagai Digão, yang mengikuti langkahnya bermain bola di Itali. Nama panggilannya Kaká, diambil dari bahasa aslinya, Portuguese, yang diucapkan seperti ejaannya, dengan penekanan pada suku kata kedua yang ditandai dengan aksen. Itu biasa dipakai untuk menyingkat nama "Ricardo" di Brazil, bagaimanapun juga, Kaká mendapatkan nama panggilannya dari adiknya, Rodrigo, yang tidak pandai menyebut "Ricardo" ketika mereka masih kecil. Rodrigo memanggil abangnya "Caca" yang kemudian berganti menjadi "Kaká".

Pada umur 15 tahun Kaká menandatangani kontrak dengan Sao Paulo, dia memulai debutnya di tim yunior. Pada usia 17 tahun, Sao Paulo berniat menjual Kaká ke tim dari Liga divisi satu Turki, Gaziantepspor, namun transfer tidak terlaksana, karena masalah pembayaran. Debutnya di tim senior São Paulo FC pada tahun 2001 ketika di berusia 18 tahun. Pada musim pertama, ia menciptakan 12 gol dalam 27 pertandingan, sedangkan pada musim berikutnya dia menciptakan 10 gol dalam 22 pertandingan. Permainan Kaka di Sao Paulo banyak menarik perhatian klub klub besar di Eropa.

Pada bulan September 2000, di usia 18 tahun, Kaká mengalami patah tulang belakang yang menyebabkan lumpuh sebagai akibat dari kecelakaan di kolam renang.
Debut internasional Kaka bulan Januari 2002 dalam pertandingan melawan Bolivia. Dia adalah bagian dari tim nasional yang menang pada Piala Dunia 2002, tetapi aksinya tidak terlalu terlihat karena hanya bermain 19 menit di babak pertama pertandingan Kosta Rika. Pada Tahun
2003, Kaka bergabung dengan klub yang dimiliki Silvio Berlusconi yaitu klub papan atas Liga Itali AC Milan dengan bayaran US $8.5m. Tidak usah menunggu lama, ia telah masuk ke dalam tim utama dan selalu menjadi menjadi tim inti.Debutnya di Serie A adalah ketika Milan bertandang melawan Ancona, menang 2-0. Dia semusim dia menyumbangkan 10 gol dalam 30 pertandingan. Dia juga membawa AC Milan menjuarai Serie A Championship dan European Super Cup.Kaka juga menjadi kapten tim Nasional dalam turnamen Piala Emas di Amerika Serikat dan Meksiko, Brasil berada di posisi kedua.

Pada tahun berikutnya musim 2004-2005, Kaka bermain dalam posisi penyerang bayangan dibelakang striker Andriy Shevchenko. Dia menyumbangkan 7 gol dari 36 pertandingan liga, Kaka menjuarai Piala Super Italia, Posisi kedua setelah Juventus di Serie A. Di Piala Konfederasi 2005, Kaká menciptakan gol dan menang dalam pertandingan final melawan Argentina (dalam perayaan setelah pertandingan, dia dan rekan-rekan setimnya memakai T-shirt dengan tulisan "Jesus Loves You--Yesus mencintaimu" dalam berbagai bahasa.)
Pada tanggal 9 April 2006, Kaka membuat "hat-trick" bersama AC Milan saat melawan Chievo Verona. Ketiga golnya dihasilkan pada babak pertama. Kaka menjadi icon di AC Milan, Kaka Not For Sale, itulah yang didengungkan fihak Milan , padahal Madrid mengiming-iming jumlah uang yang banyak untuk Kaka, AC Milan tidak ragu-ragu memperpanjang kontrak Kaka hingga 2011.
Kaká semakin matang sebagai pemain dan dianggap sebagai salah satu pemain terbaik Brasil. Dia mencatatkan gol pertama Brazil di Piala Dunia 2006 pada pertandingan melawan Kroasia tanggal 13 Juni 2006. Pada 3 September 2006 dia menyumbangkan salah satu gol briliannya.. Pada 15 November 2006, Kaká mendapatkan ban kapten Brazil dalam pertandingan persahabatan melawan Swiss.

Prestasi :

Prestasi Klub :
* Piala Super Eropa: 2003
* Serie A: 2004
* Piala Super Italia: 2004
* Piala/Liga Champions: 2006-07

Prestasi Internasional
* Piala Dunia: 2002
* Piala Konfederasi: 2005

Prestasi individu
* Bola de Ouro (Golden Ball; Pemain Terbaik Liga Brazil), 2002
* UEFA Club Football Awards 2004-05, Pemain Tengah Terbaik
* Topscorer Champions League 2006-07 (10 gol)
* Pemain Terbaik Dunia FIFA 2006-07
* Ballon d'Or (2007)
Fullname Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite
Nickname Ricky kaka
Date of bitth Apirl 22,1982 (age 26)
Place of birth Brasilia,Brazil
Height 1.86 m
Weight 73 kg
Club Information
position Attacking Midfielder,Striker
Current club A.C.Milan
Previous club Sao Paulo FC
Number 22
Nationalteam Brazil
Ricardo kaka Wallpapers
Ricardo kaka

Ricardo kaka Biography

Ricardo kaka BiographyKaká was born to Simone Cristina dos Santos Leite and Bosco Izecson Pereira Leite. He has a younger brother, Rodrigo (known as Digão), who has followed in Kaká's footsteps by playing football for Milan.
He suffered a career-threatening and possibly paralysis-inducing spine fracture at the age of 18 as a result of a swimming pool accident, but remarkably made a full recovery. He attributes his recovery to God and since tithed his income to his church.

A devout evangelical Christian, Kaká became engrossed in religion at the age of 12: "I learnt that it is faith that decides whether something will happen or not." He removed his jersey to reveal an "I Belong to Jesus" T-shirt and openly engaged in prayer moments after the final whistle of Milan's 2007 Champions League triumph. Kaká previously sported the same shirt during Milan's 2004 Scudetto celebration and after Brazil's defeat of Germany in the 2002 World Cup final, and had the same phrase, along with "God Is Faithful," stitched onto the tongues of his boots.During the postmatch celebration following Brazil's 4–1 win over Argentina in the 2005 FIFA Confederations Cup final, he and several of his teammates, among them backup keeper Gomes and defender Lúcio, wore T-shirts with "Jesus Loves You" printed on them in various languages.

Kaká is a member of the organization Atletas de Cristo ("Athletes of Christ"). His goal celebration consists of him pointing to the sky as a gesture of thanks to God, and he is proud that he was a virgin when he married. His favorite music is gospel music,and his favorite book is the Bible. Since November 2004, he has served as an Ambassador Against Hunger for the United Nations' World Food Programme, the youngest to do so at the time of his appointment.

Kaká was sworn in as an Italian citizen on February 12, 2007.He features prominently in Adidas advertising and also has a modeling contract with Armani, but the latter prevented him from appearing in a photo collection alongside his Milan teammates that was published by Dolce & Gabbana in early 2007. He married his childhood sweetheart Caroline Celico on 23 December 2005 at the evangelical Reborn in Christ Church in São Paulo, Brazil. Caroline is currently pregnant with their first child.

The Reborn in Christ Church, of which Kaká is a member, is currently under investigation in connection with its leaders, Estevam Hernandes Filho and Sonia Hernandes, who were sentenced to prison in August 2007 on money smuggling charges. Kaká, who has not been charged, was an annual donor to the church with contributions totaling nearly $1 million. He was sent a questionnaire by Brazilian authorities inquiring about connections with the leaders, but his spokesman denied that Kaká had actually received any such documents.

Ricardo kaka BiographyKaká began his club career with São Paulo at the age of eight. He signed a contract at 15 and led the SPFC youth squad to Copa de Juvenil glory. Kaká made his senior side debut in January 2001 and scored 12 goals in 27 appearances, in addition to leading São Paulo to its first and only Torneio Rio-São Paulo championship. He scored 10 in 22 matches the following season, and by this time his performance was soon attracting attention from European clubs.

Ricardo kaka BiographyAC Milan, fresh from winning the 2003 Champions League, brought him aboard in 2003 for $8.5 million, a fee described in hindsight as "peanuts" by club owner Silvio Berlusconi.Within a month, he cracked the starting lineup, and has remained there since. His Serie A debut was in a 2–0 Milan win at A.C. Ancona. He scored 10 goals in 30 appearances that season, as Milan won the Scudetto and the European Super Cup.

Kaká was a part of the five-man midfield in the 2004–05 season, usually playing in a withdrawn role behind striker Andriy Shevchenko. He scored 7 goals in 36 domestic appearances as Milan finished runner-up to Juventus. Despite Milan losing the 2004–05 Champions League final to Liverpool F.C. on penalties, he was nonetheless voted the best midfielder of the tournament, and also finished ninth, with 19 votes, in the running for the 2005 Ballon D'Or.

The 2005–06 season saw Kaká score his first hat-tricks in domestic and European competition. On April 9, 2006, he scored his first Rossoneri hat-trick against Chievo Verona. All three goals were scored in the second half. Seven months later, he scored his first Champions League hat-trick in a 4–1 group stage win over RSC Anderlecht. The football world was beginning to take notice of a superstar in the making. Following Rui Costa's departure to Benfica at the end of the season, and despite the insistence of many Milan fans, Kaká turned down the chance to switch from his number 22 to the now-vacant number 10, a number typically associated with world-class playmakers. (The number was eventually claimed by teammate Clarence Seedorf.)

Shevchenko's departure to Chelsea FC for the 2006–07 season allowed Kaká to become the focal point of Milan's offense as he alternated between the midfield and striker positions. He finished as the top scorer in the 2006–07 CL campaign with ten goals, which proved a catalyst in steering Milan back to European success. One of them helped the Rossoneri beat Celtic FC 1–0 after extra time in the quarterfinals on a 1–0 aggregate, and three others proved fatal for Manchester United in the semifinals despite Milan losing the first leg. Following the convincing 3–0 second-leg defeat at the San Siro on May 2 that knocked out the English champions, Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson declared that Kaka was one of the two best players in the world, alongside his charge Cristiano Ronaldo.The previous month, a panel of experts set up by Italian publication Gazzetta dello Sport proclaimed Kaká as the world's best footballer. Shevchenko also included his endorsement, while suggesting that Kaká deserved to win the Ballon D'Or.

Kaká added the Champions League title to his trophy case for the first time when Milan defeated Liverpool F.C. 2–1 in Athens on May 23, 2007. Though he went scoreless, he won a free kick that led to the first of Filippo Inzaghi's two goals, and provided the assist for the second. For his stellar play throughout the competition, he was voted the Vodafone Fans' Player of the Season in a poll of over 100,000 visitors. In June 2007, German football publication Kicker named him the world's best player, with Cristiano Ronaldo and Ronaldinho finishing second and third, respectively, while he was also given this honor by UK publication The Times. On August 30, 2007, Kaká was named by UEFA as both the top forward of the 2006–07 CL season and Club Footballer of the Year.

He played his 200th career match with Milan in a 1–1 home draw with Calcio Catania on September 30, 2007, and on October 5, he was named the 2006–07 FIFPro World Player of the Year.

On December 2, 2007, Kaká was officially announced as the European Footballer of the Year, becoming the eighth Milan player in history to receive the honor. He finished with a decisive 444 votes, far ahead of runner-up Cristiano Ronaldo. Upon accepting the award in Paris, he said, "It was an exceptional year and the Ballon D'or crowns an extraordinary 2007...I want to thank God who allowed me to be here today. I thank my wife, my parents and Milan, the team that allowed me to win. I also thank my teammates, both at Milan and Brazil, and all of the fans."

Ricardo kaka BiographyKaká made his debut for Brazil in January 2002 against Bolivia. He was part of the 2002 FIFA World Cup-winning squad, but played only 19 minutes, all of which were in the first round match against Costa Rica. During the final against Germany, coach Luiz Felipe Scolari was reportedly about to send Kaká on as a substitute, but he never made it into the game as the referee did not notice him waving on the sidelines to enter the pitch.

In 2003, Kaká was the captain for the Gold Cup tournament, where Brazil finished as runner-up, as did Kaká with a second-best three goals. He was also named as one of the competition's top eleven players by position. On June 29, 2005, he scored in a 4–1 defeat of Argentina in the 2005 Confederations Cup final, with a powerful shot into the upper right-hand corner of the net. He finished in joint tenth place in the voting for the 2004 FIFA World Player of the Year award, and finished two spots higher the following year.

Kaká started in his first FIFA World Cup Finals in 2006, scoring his first and only goal in a 1-0 victory over Croatia in Brazil's opening match. He was unable to keep up his momentum for the remainder of the tournament as Brazil were eliminated by France in the quarterfinals. On September 3, 2006, he scored again for Brazil, receiving the ball off a deflection from an Argentina corner kick and taking the ball down three quarters of the field to score.

On May 12, 2007, citing an exhaustive schedule of Serie A, Champions League and national team play, Kaká openly bowed out of the 2007 Copa América, which was won by Brazil. "I haven't had a break for three seasons. I won't have the form to achieve what is expected of me at an international level."Brazil coach Dunga took the optimistic route, declaring that while he was disappointed about Kaká's decision, his absence would subsequently free up a roster spot for a lesser-used player.Kaká, however, did play 70 minutes of Brazil's 1–1 friendly draw with England on June 1, but only 30 in a goalless draw with Turkey on June 5.

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